How to Lose Friends and Infuriate Enemies

This is a study in how a local politician has single handedly managed to alienate nearly every person she was elected to represent, supporters, detractors and a First Nation, alike.

Prior to the 2022 Islands Trust election, Trustee Laura Patrick had 4 years of experience as a Trustee. She was acutely aware of the housing crisis on the island, had established a housing committee to look into the issue and provide her with solutions, and, had essentially promised during the election to pass Bylaw 530 which would see the potential creation of some accessory dwelling units.

However, after her re-election, instead of moving forward with 530, she obfuscated and delayed action on the bylaw through the Winter of 2022 and Spring of 2023, in opposition to fellow Trustee Jamie Harris’ clear wish to pass the bylaw. Gaining the support of Chair Tim Peterson, from Lasqueti, Summer came and went without action.

The primary roadblock she couldn’t see her way around were the objections of the Tsawout First Nation, which, apparently working with a group of Salt Spring Islanders who are habitually opposed to everything, was the ONLY First Nation voicing opposition to 530.

In August Patrick arranged a meeting with the Tsawout to discuss 530. However, and for whatever reason, (a) she didn’t bother to invite fellow Trustee Harris, (b) she didn’t inform or seek any direction from the Salt Spring Local Trust Committee (SSILTC) prior to the meeting, (c) she invited MLA Adam Olsen along, (d) she invited Islands Trust Director of Local Planning, Stefan Cermak along.

According to Tsawout Chief Abraham Pelkey, at the meeting, where evidently no minutes or notes were taken or subsequently provided to the SSILTC, Patrick, and/or Islands Trust Staff, told them the LTC would “sponsor” a “potlatch” at which the Bylaw 530 issue would be discussed. The Tsawout evidently agreed to the offer.

Subsequently, in October, in what I can only describe as the most ridiculous proposal I have ever seen, Patrick, supported by Chair Tim Peterson (from Lasqueti) proposed a reduction in the proposed number of much needed, potential Accessory Dwelling Units in Bylaw 530 from over 5,000, to, in her own words, a “silly” amount, an “itsy-bitsy” number…around 20 or so.

Incredulously, her stated intention in making the proposal was to garner support for Bylaw 530.

In other words, she proposed something so ludicrous it was intended to anger supporters of the Bylaw, while pleasing all of those (including the Tsawout) who are opposed to it, meanwhile eating up valuable staff time, resources and tax dollars on her “silly” idea, while our housing crisis worsened by the day.

Staff reported at that meeting that they had had “follow-up conversations with Tsawout…these conversations have been caveated by Tsawout as not comprising engagement or consultation.”

Staff complied with Patrick’s “silly” request and drafted Bylaw 537, which Patrick saw no need to hold a public hearing for, and brought 537 forward for consideration on January 22nd.

At the meeting, Patrick proclaimed, “I am comfortable that we have more than addressed [Tsawout] concerns…so I am more than satisfied to move forward today [to give Bylaw 537 three readings.] However, apparently Patrick had never gotten back to the Tsawout after making the potlatch offering of consultation.

In spite of that, Patrick, with the support of Chair Peterson, and in opposition to Trustee Harris, gave it three readings on January 22nd, and sent it off to the Executive Committee.

As a result, when the Tsawout were informed 537 had been given 3 readings, without any consultation on the bylaw, Chief Pelkey wrote a lengthy letter to the Executive Committee (see below) outlining the Tsawout’s objections to the passage of Bylaw 537, including the failed follow through on the offer of sponsoring a potlatch.

However, the Local Trust Committee was NEVER informed of the potlatch offer being made in the name of the LTC. For some reason, Patrick never brought the proposal forward to the LTC for consideration.

In spite of the letter being included in the Executive Committee’s agenda package, on February 28th, the Committee approved the bylaw and sent it back to the Local Trust Committee for adoption.

This Thursday, March 7th, Patrick’s “silly” Bylaw 537 will be considered for adoption by the LTC.

What she has done, by backing down on Bylaw 530, failing to follow through on her offer of a potlatch, and her failure to even refer Bylaw 537 to the Tsawout, is set the stage for what will only be a great future squabble with the Tsawout when the OCP Review shortly starts in earnest. That Review MUST increase the density of Salt Spring for workforce, far beyond what Bylaw 530 proposed.

How Patrick will be able to weather the self-created storm now blowing her way from (a) those opposed to 530 and (b) the Tsawout, and, if she fails to act, (c) the working class of Salt Spring and (d) virtually everyone who voted her into office, remains to be seen. However, if past predicts future, get ready to witness someone wavering in the winds of responsibility.

PS – In case you are wondering how the Tsawout develops their own land, my article from last August lays that out fairly clearly, including a link to their Official Community Plan for 196 acres of high density housing. At Salt Spring’s maximum density of 15 units per acre, that would be the equivalent of 2,940 homes…ironically/coincidentally about what Salt Spring needs for workforce housing long term.

2 Responses to How to Lose Friends and Infuriate Enemies

  1. could greens be any more destructive and stupid? And expensive too because we pay for all this faffing around. Love the fact that the Indians are going to build a future slum, dense, cheap materials no control at all. Patrick and the IT staff are Just burning money. It is disguising beyond measure. And all the NGOS that create this are just grabbing land for their patrons the super rich.

  2. rowena dixon says:

    This is ridiculous! January 22nd meeting should be null and void!

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